Calculus &
Linear Algebra II

Chapter 35

35 The fundamental theorem for line integrals, path independence

By the end of this section, you should be able to answer the following questions:

  • How do you evaluate line integrals?
  • What is the fundamental theorem for line integrals and its consequences?
  • What is a path independent line integral and what are its connections with conservative vector fields and line integrals over closed curves?

35.1 Line integrals in the plane

Recall the definite integral $\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x) ~dx$ gives the net area above the $x$-axis and below the curve $y=f(x).$ We can generalise this.

Consider the following problem:
How do we calculate the area of the region between the curve $C$ in the $x$-$y$ plane and its image on the surface $z = f(x,y)$?

35.1 Line integrals in the plane

35.1 Line integrals in the plane

Divide $C$ into small arcs of length $\Delta S$. This divide the area into strips of base length $\Delta S$ and height $f(x^*,y^*),$ where $(x^*, y^*)$ is a representative point in an arc. Then \[ \text{the area in question} = \int_C f(x,y)~ dS, \] where $dS$ is the infinitesimal element of arclength of $C.$ If the curve $C$ can be parametrised by $\r(t) = x(t)~\i + y(t) ~\j\;$ for $a\leq t\leq b,$ then $dS = ||\r'(t)||dt$, and the area can be expressed by the formula \[ \text{area} = \int_C f(x,y)~ dS = \int_a^b f\left(x(t),y(t)\right)||\r'(t)||~dt. \]

35.2 Work done by a force, line integrals
of vector fields

We can also consider integrating a vector field over a curve in the plane.

In the case $\F$ is a field of force you should already have an idea (from MATH1052/1072) how to determine the work done by $\F$ in moving a particle along a curve $C$. First recall

  1. Constant $F$ in 1D over a distance $d$, the work done is given by $W = F d$.
  2. Constant $\F$ in 2D over a straight line between points $P$ and $Q$, $W=\F\pd \overrightarrow{PQ}.$

35.2 Work done by a force, line integrals
of vector fields

We can use these straightforward cases to derive the more general expression for work done by a variable force $F(x,y)$ over a piecewise continuous smooth curve $C$: \[ W = \int_C \F(x,y)\pd \T(x,y)~dS \] where $\T (x, y)$ is a unit tangent vector to $C$ at a given point $(x, y)$ on $C$.

35.2 Work done by a force, line integrals
of vector fields

Consider a force field $\F(x,y)$ and a piecewiese continuous smooth curve $C.$

We wish to compute the work done by this force in moving a particle along a smooth curve $C.$

We divide $C$ into subarcs $P_{i-1}$-$P_i$ with lengths $\Delta S_i$ by dividing the parameter interval $[a, b]$ into subintervals of equal width.

35.2 Work done by a force, line integrals
of vector fields

Choose a point $P_i^*$ on the $i$th subarc corresponding to the parameter value $t_i^*.$ If $\Delta S_i$ is small, then as the particle moves from $P_{i-1}$ to $P_i$ along the curve, it proceeds approximately in the direction of $\T(t_i^*),$ the unit tangent vector at $P_i^*.$

Thus the work done by the force $\F$ in moving the particle from $P_{i-1}$ to $P_i$ is approximately \[ \F^* \pd \T^* \Delta S_i \]

35.2 Work done by a force, line integrals
of vector fields

Thus the work done by the force $\F$ in moving the particle from $P_{i-1}$ to $P_i$ is approximately \[ \F^* \pd \T^* \Delta S_i \]

and the total work done in moving the particle along $C$ is approximately \[ \sum_{i=1}^n \F^* \pd \T^* \Delta S_i \]

35.2 Work done by a force, line integrals
of vector fields

Intuitively, we see that these approximations have to become better as $n\to \infty$ ($\Delta S_i\to 0$).

Therefore we define the work $W$ done by the force field $\F$ as the limit of the Riemann sums in $\sum_{i=1}^n \F^* \pd \T^* \Delta S_i.$

That is \[ W = \int_C\F\pd \T~dS \]

35.3 Common notation

Let $C$ be a piecewise continuous smooth curve in the $x$-$y$ plane connecting points $A$ and $B.$ Let $\,\F(x,y)= F_1(x,y)~\i + F_2(x,y)~\j\,$ be a vector field. The line integral $\int_C \F(x,y) \pd \T(x,y) ~dS$ is often expressed as \[ \int_C \F(\r)\pd d\r \quad \text{or}\quad \int_C F_1(x,y)dx+F_2(x,y)dy. \]

The expressions use the notation $\r = x~\i + y~\j,$ $d\r = dx~\i + dy~\j.$

Remark: In this notation, \[ \text{work done by } \F \text{ along the curve } C: W = \int_C\F(\r)\pd d\r. \]

35.3 Common notation

Need to prove $\displaystyle \int_C \F(x,y) \pd \T(x,y) ~dS = \int_C \F(\r)\pd d\r.$

Let $\r(t) =x(t)~\i+y(t)~\j$ be a parametrisation of the curve $C$ with $t\in[a,b].$ Then the unit tangent vector to $C$ is

$\displaystyle \T=\frac{\r'(t)}{\norm{\r'(t)}}\;\;$ and $\displaystyle\;\; dS = \norm{\r'(t)}dt$


$\displaystyle \int_C \F\pd \T ~dS $ $\displaystyle = \int_a^b \F(\r) \pd \frac{\r'(t)}{\norm{\r'(t)}} \left(\norm{\r'(t)}dt\right) $ $\displaystyle = \int_a^b \F(\r) \pd \r'(t)~dt $
$\displaystyle = \int_C \F(\r) \pd d\r $ $\displaystyle = \int_C F_1(x,y)~dx+F_2(x,y)~dy.$

35.4 Evaluating line integrals of vector fields

To evaluate $\displaystyle \int_C\F(\r)\pd d\r$ the strategy is to parameterise $C$ and express all quantities in the line integral in terms of this parameterisation. Namely

  1. Parameterise $C$ by specifiying a vector function $\r(t) = x(t)~\i + y(t)~\j$ with $t \in [a, b]$ that describes $C.$
  2. Write $\F (\r)$ restricted to $C$ as $\F (\r(t)) = \F (x(t), y(t)).$
  3. Write $d\r=\r'(t)~dt.$
  4. Convert the line integral into an ordinary integral in terms of the parameter $t$: \[ \int_C\F(\r)\pd d\r = \int_a^b \F(\r(t))\pd \r'(t)~dt. \]

35.4.1 Example: Evaluate

$\displaystyle \int_C \left( \left(x^2-y \right)dx + \left(y^2+x \right)dy \right) $ along the curve $C$ given by: (i) the straight line from $A$ to $B$; (ii) the parabola $y=x^2+1$ from $A$ to $B$. Here $A= (0,1)$, $B=(1,2)$.

35.4.1 Example: Evaluate

$\displaystyle \int_C \left( \left(x^2-y \right)dx + \left(y^2+x \right)dy \right) \,$ along the curve $C$ given by: (i) the straight line from $A$ to $B$; (ii) the parabola $y=x^2+1$ from $A$ to $B.$ Here $A= (0,1),$ $B=(1,2).$

(i) First we parametrise the line from $A$ to $B$. This is the equation $y = x+1$. Then for $$C_1: \;(x=t, y = t+1).$$

So we have \[ \r(t) = x(t) ~\i + y(t)~\j =t~\i+ (t+1)~\j \] for $0\leq t \leq 1$. Note that $\r(0)= A=(0,1)$ and $\r(1) = B = (1,2)$.

35.4.1 Example: Evaluate

$\displaystyle \int_C \left( \left(x^2-y \right)dx + \left(y^2+x \right)dy \right) \,$ along the curve $C$ given by: (i) the straight line from $A$ to $B$; (ii) the parabola $y=x^2+1$ from $A$ to $B.$ Here $A= (0,1),$ $B=(1,2).$

Parametrisation: $ \r(t) =t~\i+ (t+1)~\j $ for $0\leq t \leq 1$. Thus $$d\r = \r'(t)dt = (\i+ \j)~dt.$$

$\F(\r(t)) $ $=\left(x^2(t)-y(t)\right)\i + \left(y^2(t)+x(t)\right)\j$
$=\left(t^2-(t+1)\right)\i + \left((t+1)^2+t\right)\j$
$=\left(t^2-t-1\right)\i + \left(t^2+3t+1\right)\j$.
$\F\pd d\r$ $=2\left(t^2+t\right)dt$.

35.4.1 Example: Evaluate

$\displaystyle \int_C \left( \left(x^2-y \right)dx + \left(y^2+x \right)dy \right) \,$ along the curve $C$ given by: (i) the straight line from $A$ to $B$; (ii) the parabola $y=x^2+1$ from $A$ to $B.$ Here $A= (0,1),$ $B=(1,2).$

Now, since $\F\pd d\r=2\left(t^2+t\right)dt$, then

Line integral $\displaystyle =\int_{C_1} \F\pd d\r$
$\displaystyle = \int_0^1 2\left(t^2+t\right)dt$
$\displaystyle =\frac{5}{3}$.

35.4.1 Example: Evaluate

$\displaystyle \int_C \left( \left(x^2-y \right)dx + \left(y^2+x \right)dy \right) \,$ along the curve $C$ given by: (i) the straight line from $A$ to $B$; (ii) the parabola $y=x^2+1$ from $A$ to $B.$ Here $A= (0,1),$ $B=(1,2).$

(ii) Now we need to parametrise the parabola from $A$ to $B$. This is the equation $y = x^2+1$. Then for $$C_2: \;(x=t, y = t^2+1).$$

So we have \[ \r(t) = x(t) ~\i + y(t)~\j =t~\i+ (t^2+1)~\j \] for $0\leq t \leq 1$. Note that $\r(0)= A=(0,1)$ and $\r(1) = B = (1,2)$.

35.4.1 Example: Evaluate

$\displaystyle \int_C \left( \left(x^2-y \right)dx + \left(y^2+x \right)dy \right) \,$ along the curve $C$ given by: (i) the straight line from $A$ to $B$; (ii) the parabola $y=x^2+1$ from $A$ to $B.$ Here $A= (0,1),$ $B=(1,2).$

Parametrisation: $ \r(t) =t~\i+ (t^2+1)~\j $ for $\,0\leq t \leq 1.$ Thus $$d\r = \r'(t) dt= \left(\i+ 2t~\j\right)~dt.$$

$\F(\r(t)) $ $=\left(x^2(t)-y(t)\right)\i + \left(y^2(t)+x(t)\right)\j$
$=\left(t^2-(t^2+1)\right)\i + \left((t^2+1)^2+t\right)\j$
$=\left(-1\right)\i + \left((t^2+1)^2+t\right)\j$.
$\F\pd d\r$ $=\left[-1 + 2t \left((t^2+1)^2+t\right)\right]dt$.

35.4.1 Example: Evaluate

$\displaystyle \int_C \left( \left(x^2-y \right)dx + \left(y^2+x \right)dy \right) \,$ along the curve $C$ given by: (i) the straight line from $A$ to $B$; (ii) the parabola $y=x^2+1$ from $A$ to $B.$ Here $A= (0,1),$ $B=(1,2).$

Now, since $\F\pd d\r=\left[-1 + 2t \left((t^2+1)^2+t\right)\right]dt$, then

Line int. $\displaystyle =\int_{C_2} \F\pd d\r$
$\displaystyle = \int_0^1 \left[-1 + 2t \left((t^2+1)^2+t\right)\right]dt$
$\displaystyle =2$.

35.4.1 Example: Evaluate

$\displaystyle \int_C \left( \left(x^2-y \right)dx + \left(y^2+x \right)dy \right) \,$ along the curve $C$ given by: (i) the straight line from $A$ to $B$; (ii) the parabola $y=x^2+1$ from $A$ to $B.$ Here $A= (0,1),$ $B=(1,2).$

Note the line integrals in this example are path dependent.

In other words, they have different values for different paths. \[ \int_{C_1} \F\pd d\r = \frac{5}{3} \;\; \text{and}\;\;\int_{C_2} \F\pd d\r = 2. \] We will now investigate path independent line integrals.

35.5 Line integrals of conservative vector fields, path independence

If $\F$ is a continuous vector field with domain $D$, we say the line integral $\displaystyle \int_C \F\pd d\r$ is path independent if \[ \int_{C_1}\F\pd d\r = \int_{C_2}\F\pd d\r \] for any two paths $C_1$ and $C_2$ in $D$ that have the same end points.

35.5.1 The fundamental theorem for line integrals

If $C$ is a smooth curve determined by $\r(t)$ for $t \in [a,b]$ and $f(x,y)$ is differentiable with $\nabla f$ being continuous on $C,$ then \[ \int_C \nabla f\pd d\r = f\big(\r(b)\big)- f\big(\r(a)\big). \]

35.5.1 The fundamental theorem for line integrals

Proof: Recall that $\,\nabla f = \dfrac{\partial f}{\partial x}~\i + \dfrac{\partial f}{\partial y}~\j\,$ and consider the vector function $\r(t)$ with $a \leq t \leq b.$ So $d\r = \r'(t) dt.$ Then we have that

$\displaystyle \int_C\nabla f\pd d\r$ $\displaystyle =\int_{t=a}^{t=b} \nabla f \left(\r(t)\right)\pd \r'(t)~dt$ $\displaystyle =\int_{a}^{b} \left( \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} \frac{d x}{d t}+ \frac{\partial f}{\partial y} \frac{dy}{d t} \right)dt$
$\displaystyle =\int_{a}^{b} \frac{d}{dt}~f\left(\r(t)\right) dt$
$\displaystyle = f\big(\r(b)\big)- f\big(\r(a)\big).$

The last step follows from the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. $\blacksquare$

35.5.1 The fundamental theorem for line integrals

One consequence of this result is that the line integral of a vector field of the form $∇f$ is path independent, i.e. \[ \int_{C_1}\nabla f \pd d\r = \int_{C_2}\nabla f \pd d\r \]

That is, the line integral of a conservative vector field is path independent.

It turns out, the converse is also true. Namely, if $\displaystyle \int_C \F\pd d\r$ is path independet in some region $D$, then $\F$ is conservative. (See Theorem 4 in Stewart 8th ed. pp. 1089-1090)

35.5.1 The fundamental theorem for line integrals

Equivalently,$\displaystyle \int_{C} \F \pd d\r$ is path independent in some region $D$ if and only if $\displaystyle \oint_{C'}\F\pd d\r = 0$ for every closed path $C'$ in $D$.

Here $\displaystyle "\oint"$ indicates the line integral over a closed curve.

Let's prove this statement! 🙂

35.5.1 The fundamental theorem for line integrals

Proof: First, recall some properties:

35.5.1 The fundamental theorem for line integrals

Proof: "$\Rightarrow$" Suppose $\int_C \F\pd d\r $ is path independent in $D$. Then \[ \int_{C_1} \F\pd d\r = \int_{C_2} \F\pd d\r \] for any $C_1$ and $C_2$ in $D$ with the same end points $A$ and $B$.

But $\displaystyle \int_{C_2} \F\pd d\r =- \int_{-C_2} \F\pd d\r$.

35.5.1 The fundamental theorem for line integrals

Proof: "$\Rightarrow$" $$\displaystyle \int_{C_2} \F\pd d\r =- \int_{-C_2} \F\pd d\r$$ Here $-C_2$ is the same path as $C_2$ but with opposite orientation. Then

$\displaystyle 0=$ $\displaystyle \int_{C_1} \F\pd d\r + \int_{-C_2} \F\pd d\r $ $\displaystyle = \int_{C} \F\pd d\r$

where $C$ is any closed path such that $C = C_1 + (-C_2)$ in $D$. $\blacksquare$

35.5.1 The fundamental theorem for line integrals

Proof: "$\Leftarrow$" Suppose $\displaystyle \oint_C \F\pd d\r=0 $ for every closed path $C$ in $D$.

Let $A$ and $B$ be points on $C$ ($A\neq B$) and consider $ C_1$ and $C_2$ paths with same end points $A$ and $B$ such that \[ C = C_1 + (-C_2). \]

Then $\displaystyle \oint_C \F\pd d\r= \int_{C_1} \F\pd d\r + \int_{-C_2} \F\pd d\r$

So $\displaystyle \int_{C_1} \F\pd d\r + \int_{-C_2} \F\pd d\r=0.$

Or $\displaystyle \int_{C_1} \F\pd d\r - \int_{C_2} \F\pd d\r=0$.

Hence $\displaystyle \int_{C_1} \F\pd d\r = \int_{C_2} \F\pd d\r$. $\blacksquare$

Line integrals of vector fields: Work  
